Pass the Peace

December 23, 2022

Pass the Peace

We have been reminded each Sunday of Advent to pass the peace, as the pastor says, “May the peace of the Lord be with you all” and we reply, “And also with you.”

God’s peace is not meant to stop at us. It’s meant to be shared and passed along. 

There are many ways we can pass the peace or offer peace to others.

  • We can speak directly and clearly, as angels did when announcing the birth of Jesus to Mary, or to the shepherds. (Luke 1:26-33; 2:8-14)

  • We can remind each other of the goodness of God and His promises to us, as Mary and Elizabeth did when they greeted each other. (Luke 1:39-55)

  • We can create something that causes people to take notice, something that arouses their curiosity and invites them to investigate further, as God created a new star to intrigue the magi. (Matthew 2:1-12)

  • We can offer comfort and reassurance of forgiveness to those who are repentant, as Jesus did for the woman who washed His feet at Simon’s house.

  • We can tell stories, pose questions, and challenge others’ assumptions, as Jesus did with Simon. (Luke 7:36-50)

  • We can use words of peace to greet a household when we enter. (Luke 10:5)

  • We can surprise people with good news by showing up unexpectedly, as Jesus did after His resurrection. (Luke 24:36-53)

These are only some of the ways peace can be offered. As we study the scriptures and walk with Jesus, as we listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and follow Father God’s leading, we are guided on the path of peace.

Father God is immensely creative. The Holy Spirit knows just what to do in any situation. Jesus demonstrated for us that passing the peace is not restricted to one method or formula. We see Jesus offer peace in a variety of times and places, to all kinds of people, using many means.

As His followers, we can do the same.

Along the way we remember that peace can only be offered, not forced. It is “opt in” not obligatory. And not everyone will receive it. In any case, we can still have peace, just as Jesus remained at peace, whether He faced awkward social situations, the adoration of a crowd, anger from His accusers, or attempts on His life.


“For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.”

Romans 8:6 ESV


When you see all the varieties of Christmas decorations, all the creativity of our festivity,  remember our creative Creator and pay attention to all the ways you can pass the peace in the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


How is God leading you to offer peace to others?

Take a moment to post your comments below.


Light of the World Peace


Wonderful Counselor and Mighty God