God has not forgotten you

Until the angels showed up, the shepherds had no idea what was happening nearby. This wasn’t unusual. Shepherds spent their lives on the edges of life, not in the inner circles of any community. 

Neither privileged nor powerful, neither priest nor prince, these guys were lowly in every measure of worth and status their society had.

And yet, God selected them. God singled them out for a spectacular announcement, given by a multitude of angels:

Messiah has come!

Nobody, least of all the shepherds themselves, would’ve expected they would be chosen for this special honor.

What would such an experience do for a person? Would it be evidence that God sees them, watching over their flocks? Would it be a revelation that God cares enough about them to share His exciting news with them? Would it settle in their hearts the knowledge that God has not forgotten them, not as individuals nor as His people?

Being seen, known, and loved brings peace to our souls and joy to our hearts. 

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.”

Luke 2:20 ESV 

I think the shepherds were permanently transformed by their experience. All lifelong they could look back and recall this night and remind themselves, “God has not forgotten me. God is paying attention to me.” I imagine Psalm 139 sounded different to them after that night.

Knowing we have a special place in someone’s heart brings us a foundational peace. When others treat us poorly, disregard us, or don’t even notice us, God’s love and care soothe our souls. More than that, it can lift our spirits and bring joy and praise from our hearts, even when life is difficult.


Do you feel forgotten or overlooked?

Do you wonder if God knows the struggles in your life?

Do you wonder if God cares?


When you see shepherds in a nativity scene, remember how God saw them when others didn’t. God sees you, too., even when people do not.


How might you remind others that they are not forgotten?

What are you rejoicing about today?

Take a moment to post your comments below.


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