Light of the World - Hope

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone.

Isaiah 9:2 ESV

Jesus was born in the night, the Light of the World coming into literal and figurative darkness. Coming to rid us of both.

Light brings hope. This is true even physically. If you’ve ever sat up all night in a very dark place, you understand the longing for light in dark places. Fear, doubt, despair—all are made worse in the dark, in the night.

Sunrise brings hope.

You can see clearly. Threats are lessened. You can move around freely. Possibilities return.

Light reveals what’s been there all the time, unable to be seen. Likewise, when figurative light comes into our souls, we have new perspective on life. We gain clarity and confidence.

One tiny baby in a world filled with oppression and evil might not seem like much hope. But Jesus is the Light of this world, the physical and the figurative.

Even the deepest darkness in the universe is powerless against the light. Imagine right now a place of extreme darkness, where you cannot even see your hand in front of your face. Now imagine striking a match. There is no contest. No matter how deep the darkness, it cannot hold back the light from a single, tiny flame.

So too, the figurative darkness of this world was no match for the light of Jesus, even when He began life as a helpless, vulnerable baby.


Where is there darkness in your life?

Where do you long for light and hope?


When you see the sunrise (or the sun in the sky) during this season, let it remind you light has come into our dark world. Jesus came to bring us hope.


How are you offering light and hope to those around you?

Where has Jesus brought hope to you this week?

Take a moment to post your comments below.


A Woman of the City


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