At the table with Jesus

Week 2 | December 9, 2022

Special events, holiday meals, family gatherings, time with friends—there are many opportunities to socialize in this season. Many opportunities for awkward or confrontational interactions. It can be unsettling to attend or even to anticipate these gatherings.

Can we bring Jesus, the Prince of Peace, along with us to these celebrations?

With peace not only for ourselves, but as an offering to others as well.

As you read this week’s scripture passage (Luke 7:36-50) focus on Jesus and what He did and did not do.

  • Jesus did not jump right into a confrontation when Simon failed to do his duty as a host and did not offer basic hospitality to Jesus. Why did Jesus not call Simon to account about this breach of common courtesy right away?

  • Jesus did not respond to the woman at first either. She was weeping, she was washing His feet, she was letting down her hair, and we see no response from Him, no greeting or word of thanks to her until after He speaks to Simon. Why did Jesus not turn to her immediately?

He was waiting, in both cases I think, for instructions from His Father. Waiting to see how He would be directed.

When Jesus became aware of Simon’s thoughts, perhaps made plain by Simon’s facial expressions or perhaps through divine revelation, then He spoke. And when Jesus spoke, He offered peace to the woman, and invited Simon to move toward peace as well.

Ask Father God for guidance as you socialize. Be attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit as you interact and observe others. Know that Jesus, our Prince of Peace, who never leaves us nor forsakes us, is right there with you in the middle of the merrymaking.

There is no formula here, we simply follow our Father’s leading. Jesus was at peace with an awkward situation and attentive to the Holy Spirit. We can be too.

We can be at peace and offer peace, just as Jesus was and did.


No matter our starting point we can have peace with Jesus

No matter who we are with, we can respond like Jesus, as prompted by the Holy Spirit, and directed by the Father


As you eat special meals or attend special gatherings this season, let each one be a reminder that Jesus is right there with you. At every event, practice staying attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, looking to the Father for guidance.



What holiday celebrations do you love to attend?

At what gatherings do you most hope to have peace or offer peace this season?


Love and Faith Light of the World


Jesus and Simon